As per 14th of February 2022

  1,053   Rs. 132.50   Rs. 139,522.50

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Assert 2017-12-31
Current Assets
Short Term Investment -
Accounts Receivable 50,862,945
Inventories 30,783,039
Amounts Due from related parties -
Cash In Hand and at Bank 9,746,756
Other Current Asset 1,713,921,317
Deposits , advances & prepayments 8,050,470
Income Tax Receivable -
Total Current Assets 1,813,364,527
Long Term Assets
Property, Plant & Equipment 261,910,485
Intangible Asset 26,133,868
Investment In Subsidiary -
Long Term Financial Asset 1,529,357,490
Other Long Term Asset 26,231,216
Investments in fixed deposits -
Rentals Paid in Advance -
Investment property 653,933,017
Deferred tax assets 5,577,895
Investments in associates and Joint ventures 26,208,196
Total Long Term Asset 2,529,352,167
Total Asset 4,342,716,694
Current Liablities
Trade and other payable 32,384,612
Amount due to related Parties -
Income Tax Liabilities 86,576,736
Current Portion of borrowing -
Other Current Liabilities 13,234,878
Bank Overdrafts -
Deffered service income -
Short term borrowings -
Total Current Liabilities 132,196,226
Long Term Liabilities
Borrowing -
Deffered Tax Liabilities 130,850,655
Interest Bearing Borrowings -
Employee Benefit Liabilities 20,159,770
Long Term Liability 349,188,522
Revenue grant -
Insurance contract liabilities -
Other deferred liabilities -
Total Long Term Liability 500,198,947
Total Liability 632,395,173
Stock Holders Equity
Stated Capital 660,000,000
Revenue Reserves 335,000,000
Other Components of Equity 1,109,108,000
Retained earnings 1,606,213,521
Shares in Trust -
Hedging reserve -
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent 3,710,321,521
Non-Controlling Interests -
Total Stock Holder Equity 3,710,321,521
Total Liability and Equity 4,342,716,694
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Assert 2018-12-31 2018-09-30 2018-06-30 2018-03-31 2017-12-31 2017-09-30 2017-06-30 2017-03-31 2016-12-31 2016-09-30
Current Assets
Short Term Investment - - - - - - - - - -
Accounts Receivable 64,704,493 41,100,881 72,639,448 38,817,137 50,862,945 41,100,881 42,656,738 35,786,493 227,958,533 49,426,632
Inventories 31,671,159 30,406,665 30,138,590 31,185,406 30,783,039 30,406,665 29,253,144 29,678,504 30,237,133 29,037,491
Amounts Due from related parties - 22,764,694 - - - - - - - -
Cash In Hand and at Bank 7,712,216 12,412,012 12,103,772 5,743,883 9,746,756 12,412,012 15,133,405 14,978,821 7,179,015 7,299,039
Other Current Asset 1,971,574,582 - 1,730,883,567 1,843,646,486 1,713,921,317 1,587,004,336 1,431,913,641 1,283,751,594 1,997,658,341 1,857,656,402
Deposits , advances & prepayments 7,843,661 1,587,004,336 43,866,706 44,106,050 8,050,470 22,764,694 41,379,743 40,154,914 7,275,583 16,430,404
Income Tax Receivable - - - - - - - - - -
Total Current Assets 2,083,506,111 1,693,688,588 1,889,632,083 1,963,498,962 1,813,364,527 1,693,688,588 1,560,336,671 1,404,350,326 2,270,308,605 1,959,849,968
Long Term Assets
Property, Plant & Equipment 239,647,970 261,707,024 250,744,592 256,323,503 261,910,485 261,707,024 264,555,549 269,249,470 274,454,230 279,651,471
Intangible Asset 27,936,086 23,722,216 25,875,477 26,004,672 26,133,868 23,722,216 23,722,216 23,722,216 23,722,216 23,722,216
Investment In Subsidiary 26,226,196 26,208,196 - - - - 26,208,196 - 26,208,196 26,208,196
Long Term Financial Asset 25,809,831 1,545,434,037 1,308,721,557 1,482,061,640 1,529,357,490 1,545,434,037 1,592,190,630 1,513,947,308 26,652,601 1,705,868,214
Other Long Term Asset 1,115,526,203 26,336,562 26,020,524 26,125,870 26,231,216 26,336,562 26,441,908 26,547,255 1,594,597,294 26,757,947
Investments in fixed deposits - - 26,208,196 26,208,196 - 26,208,196 - 26,208,196 - -
Rentals Paid in Advance - - - - - - - - - -
Investment property 647,927,913 660,652,158 638,230,262 646,721,825 653,933,017 660,652,158 669,149,659 677,038,087 685,246,232 688,642,091
Deferred tax assets - 5,490,458 5,748,538 5,731,319 5,577,895 5,490,458 5,080,958 4,793,007 4,673,243 5,759,189
Investments in associates and Joint ventures - - - - 26,208,196 - - - - -
Total Long Term Asset 2,083,074,199 2,549,550,651 2,281,549,146 2,469,177,025 2,529,352,167 2,549,550,651 2,607,349,116 2,541,505,539 2,635,554,012 2,756,609,324
Total Asset 4,166,580,310 4,243,239,239 4,171,181,229 4,432,675,987 4,342,716,694 4,243,239,239 4,167,685,787 3,945,855,865 4,905,862,617 4,716,459,292
Current Liablities
Trade and other payable 38,571,074 35,915,330 65,829,559 32,483,706 32,384,612 35,915,330 35,273,266 32,064,341 46,561,319 37,820,319
Amount due to related Parties - - - - - - - - - -
Income Tax Liabilities 40,877,719 80,961,574 81,045,195 91,722,725 86,576,736 80,961,574 96,329,942 84,316,115 74,279,905 52,283,093
Current Portion of borrowing - - - - - 14,706,300 - - - -
Other Current Liabilities 14,253,552 14,706,300 25,929,824 13,146,679 13,234,878 - 21,826,967 22,878,107 1,004,226,774 14,651,268
Bank Overdrafts - - - - - - - - - -
Deffered service income - - - - - - - - - -
Short term borrowings - - - - - - - - - -
Total Current Liabilities 93,702,345 131,583,204 172,804,578 137,353,110 132,196,226 131,583,204 153,430,175 139,258,563 1,125,067,998 104,754,680
Long Term Liabilities
Borrowing - - - - - - - - - -
Deffered Tax Liabilities 151,158,760 130,536,425 140,331,663 135,590,032 130,850,655 130,536,425 130,769,787 130,995,017 131,243,779 127,622,140
Interest Bearing Borrowings - 349,188,522 - - - - - - - -
Employee Benefit Liabilities 23,019,321 19,627,493 20,752,708 20,707,594 20,159,770 19,627,493 18,056,493 16,918,257 16,378,079 17,902,961
Long Term Liability 349,188,522 - 349,188,522 349,188,522 349,188,522 349,188,522 349,188,522 349,188,522 - -
Revenue grant - - - - - - - - - -
Insurance contract liabilities - - - - - - - - - -
Other deferred liabilities - - - - - - - - 349,188,522 259,425,372
Total Long Term Liability 523,366,603 499,352,440 510,272,893 505,486,148 500,198,947 499,352,440 498,014,802 497,101,796 496,810,380 404,950,473
Total Liability 617,068,948 630,935,644 683,077,471 642,839,258 632,395,173 630,935,644 651,444,977 636,360,359 1,621,878,378 509,705,153
Stock Holders Equity
Stated Capital 660,000,000 660,000,000 660,000,000 660,000,000 660,000,000 660,000,000 660,000,000 660,000,000 660,000,000 660,000,000
Revenue Reserves 695,325,400 - - 335,000,000 335,000,000 335,000,000 335,000,000 335,000,000 335,000,000 335,000,000
Other Components of Equity - 1,130,437,000 887,286,400 1,066,450,000 1,109,108,000 1,130,437,000 1,170,962,100 1,098,443,500 1,173,095,000 1,290,404,500
Retained earnings 1,859,185,962 1,486,866,595 1,605,817,358 1,728,386,729 1,606,213,521 1,486,866,595 1,350,278,710 1,216,052,006 1,115,889,239 1,921,349,639
Shares in Trust - - - - - - - - - -
Hedging reserve 335,000,000 335,000,000 335,000,000 - - - - - - -
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent 3,549,511,362 3,612,303,595 3,488,103,758 3,789,836,729 3,710,321,521 3,612,303,595 3,516,240,810 3,309,495,506 3,283,984,239 4,206,754,139
Non-Controlling Interests - - - - - - - - - -
Total Stock Holder Equity 3,549,511,362 3,612,303,595 3,488,103,758 3,789,836,729 3,710,321,521 3,612,303,595 3,516,240,810 3,309,495,506 3,283,984,239 4,206,754,139
Total Liability and Equity 4,166,580,310 4,243,239,239 4,171,181,229 4,432,675,987 4,342,716,694 4,243,239,239 4,167,685,787 3,945,855,865 4,905,862,617 4,716,459,292
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Assert 2017-12-31
Cash Flow From Operating Activities
Net Income 497,994,563
Inventories -549,623
Trade and other receivable 156,811,378
Amounts Due from related Parties -774,887
Other Current Assets -
Other Long Term Financial Asset -
Other Long Term Asset -
Trade and other Payable -14,176,700
Amounts Due to related Parties -
Other Current Liabilities -
Finance Income Received -
Finance Expense Paid -
Tax Refund/Paid -139,786,690
Non Cash Operating System /Gratuity Paid -2,678,523
Other Long Term Financial liabilities -
Other Long Term Liabilities -
Deferred liabilities -
Net cash Flow From Operating Activities 496,839,518
Cash Flow From Investing
Capital expenditure -14,225,957
Intangible Asset -567,860,000
Sale of Assets 147,301,699
Long Term Financial Asset 42,533,079
Net cash Flow from Investing Activities -392,251,179
Cash Flow From Financing Activities
Dividend Paid -987,121,704
Net Borrowing -
Transaction cost on Subsidiary Share Issue -
Proceeds from Non-Controlling Interests -
Net Cash Flow From Financing Activities -987,121,704
Net Change
Net Cash Begin Balance/ Reserved for future use 1,287,991,453
Net Cash End Balance/ Reserved for future use 405,458,088
Exchange Rate Change -
Net Change in Cash -882,533,365
Favorable Balances
Short Term Investment -
Cash in Hand and At Bank -
Total Cash and Cash Equivalents -
Unfavorable Balance
Bank Overdrafts -
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Assert 2018-12-31 2018-09-30 2018-06-30 2018-03-31 2017-12-31 2017-09-30 2017-06-30 2017-03-31 2016-12-31 2016-09-30
Cash Flow From Operating Activities
Net Income 498,409,280 373,805,909 238,865,303 112,592,821 497,994,563 414,598,435 277,669,285 114,711,126 444,580,381 267,192,642
Inventories -1,435,604 -687,098 640,878 -405,940 -549,623 -172,433 981,088 555,728 -547,001 645,451
Trade and other receivable -18,145,187 -12,819,874 -26,707,028 7,354,397 156,811,378 84,499,561 84,780,037 85,359,073 -84,661,658 355,292
Amounts Due from related Parties -674,791 -18,009,250 -35,816,236 -36,055,580 -774,887 -15,489,111 -34,104,160 -32,879,331 -1,131,251 -10,286,073
Other Current Assets - - - - - - - - - -
Other Long Term Financial Asset - - - - - - - - - -
Other Long Term Asset - - - - - 89,763,150 - - - -
Trade and other Payable 3,586,462 12,687,982 33,444,948 99,096 -14,176,700 -10,645,985 -11,288,055 -14,496,977 19,488,569 10,408,208
Amounts Due to related Parties - - - - - - - - - -
Other Current Liabilities - - - - - - 89,763,150 89,763,150 - -
Finance Income Received - - - - - - - - - -
Finance Expense Paid - - - - - - - - - -
Tax Refund/Paid -215,696,155 -142,941,690 -86,784,594 -32,741,574 -139,786,690 -206,707,374 -151,537,706 -126,207,453 -120,920,865 -93,045,546
Non Cash Operating System /Gratuity Paid -1,227,073 -966,497 -492,313 - -2,678,523 -2,565,410 -2,195,410 -1,392,736 -2,579,695 -2,579,695
Other Long Term Financial liabilities - - - - - - - - - -
Other Long Term Liabilities - - - - - - - - - -
Deferred liabilities - - - - - - - - - -
Net cash Flow From Operating Activities 264,816,932 211,069,482 123,150,958 50,843,220 496,839,518 353,280,833 254,068,229 115,412,580 254,228,480 172,690,279
Cash Flow From Investing
Capital expenditure -28,799,392 -16,858,472 -1,603,126 -1,449,989 -14,225,957 700,945,683 -1,379,865 336,425,000 1,722,662,697 1,398,558,325
Intangible Asset -106,176,294 410,000,000 32,500,000 -336,500,000 -567,860,000 -733,560,000 504,640,000 2,724,164 -1,663,100,000 -1,397,900,000
Sale of Assets 184,330,633 152,702,334 87,057,195 51,329,415 147,301,699 125,878,963 96,517,866 47,834,093 134,100,623 85,228,223
Long Term Financial Asset 57,433,610 39,090,645 29,540,478 29,540,460 42,533,079 42,533,052 30,394,093 50,257,205 56,691,477 37,495,350
Net cash Flow from Investing Activities 106,788,557 584,934,507 147,494,547 -257,080,114 -392,251,179 135,797,698 630,172,094 437,240,462 250,354,797 123,381,898
Cash Flow From Financing Activities
Dividend Paid -229,113,515 -244,193,819 -225,900,054 -88,200 -987,121,704 -926,677,117 -926,299,093 -925,247,955 -179,856,564 -179,432,070
Net Borrowing - - - - - - - - - -
Transaction cost on Subsidiary Share Issue - - - - - - - - - -
Proceeds from Non-Controlling Interests - - - - - - - - - -
Net Cash Flow From Financing Activities -229,113,515 -244,193,819 -225,900,054 -88,200 -987,121,704 -926,677,117 -926,299,093 -925,247,955 -179,856,564 -179,432,070
Net Change
Net Cash Begin Balance/ Reserved for future use 405,458,088 405,458,088 405,458,088 405,458,088 1,287,991,453 1,287,991,453 1,287,991,453 1,287,991,453 963,264,740 963,264,740
Net Cash End Balance/ Reserved for future use 547,950,062 957,268,258 450,203,539 199,132,994 405,458,088 850,392,867 1,245,932,683 915,396,540 1,287,991,453 1,079,904,847
Exchange Rate Change - - - - - - - - - -
Net Change in Cash 142,491,974 551,810,170 44,745,451 -206,325,094 -882,533,365 -437,598,586 -42,058,770 -372,594,913 324,726,713 116,640,107
Favorable Balances
Short Term Investment - - - - - - - - - -
Cash in Hand and At Bank - - - - - - - - - -
Total Cash and Cash Equivalents - - - - - - - - - -
Unfavorable Balance
Bank Overdrafts - - - - - - - - - -
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Assert 2017-12-31
Revenue & Gross Profit
Total Revenue 799,205,523
Cost of Sales 229,032,396
Gross Profit 1,028,237,919
Operating Expenses
Distribution Expenses -56,121,080
Administrative Expenses -47,378,613
Other Operating Expenses -150,143,024
Voluntary retirement scheme expense -116,990,382
Total Operating Expenses 657,604,820
Operating Income
Other Operating Income -
Total Operating Activities 657,604,820
Finance (Cost)/Income
Finance Cost -
Finance Income -
Change in insurance contract liabilities -
Share of results of equity accounted investments -
Change in fair value of investment property -
Net Finance (Cost)/ Income -
Profit /Loss Before Tax
Profit /Loss Before Tax 657,604,820
Taxes -173,339,567
Net Income From Continuing Operation 484,265,253
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Assert 2018-12-31 2018-09-30 2018-06-30 2018-03-31 2017-12-31 2017-09-30 2017-06-30 2017-03-31 2016-12-31 2016-09-30
Revenue & Gross Profit
Total Revenue 204,706,042 210,146,754 202,774,373 183,247,544 206,784,263 212,306,392 196,985,374 183,129,494 242,107,228 157,894,242
Cost of Sales 33,185,051 68,644,323 67,964,171 82,836,611 56,877,082 54,002,840 69,794,583 87,417,891 82,011,649 53,007,068
Gross Profit 237,891,093 278,791,077 270,738,544 266,084,155 263,661,345 266,309,232 266,779,957 270,547,385 324,118,877 210,901,310
Operating Expenses
Distribution Expenses -14,494,307 -14,445,314 -14,458,151 -14,429,878 -14,681,004 -13,838,456 -13,808,369 -13,793,251 -14,233,120 -13,116,852
Administrative Expenses -10,003,368 -10,827,097 -11,335,345 -7,397,775 -16,969,843 -13,622,588 -9,934,265 -6,851,917 -9,903,284 -6,181,038
Other Operating Expenses -37,450,526 -39,031,633 -40,469,080 -36,356,768 -40,333,320 -36,634,411 -27,937,349 -30,417,099 -28,932,234 -31,518,352
Voluntary retirement scheme expense -41,097,798 -41,456,924 -40,626,977 -38,724,082 -31,142,434 -27,493,500 -38,413,255 -34,762,038 -28,669,487 -29,867,101
Total Operating Expenses 134,845,094 173,030,109 163,848,991 169,175,652 160,534,744 174,720,277 176,686,719 184,723,080 242,380,752 130,217,967
Operating Income
Other Operating Income 56,471,399 - - - - - - - - -
Total Operating Activities 191,316,493 173,030,109 163,848,991 169,175,652 160,534,744 174,720,277 176,686,719 184,723,080 242,380,752 130,217,967
Finance (Cost)/Income
Finance Cost - - - - - - - - - -
Finance Income - - - - - - - - - -
Change in insurance contract liabilities - - - - - - - - - -
Share of results of equity accounted investments - - - - - - - - - -
Change in fair value of investment property - - - - - - - - - -
Net Finance (Cost)/ Income - - - - - - - - - -
Profit /Loss Before Tax
Profit /Loss Before Tax 191,316,493 173,030,109 163,848,991 169,175,652 160,534,744 174,720,277 176,686,719 184,723,080 242,380,752 130,217,967
Taxes -61,332,802 -49,737,233 -55,708,678 -47,293,580 -42,783,856 -44,114,536 -41,699,595 -40,401,580 -59,549,077 -31,310,692
Net Income From Continuing Operation 129,983,691 123,292,876 108,140,313 121,882,072 117,750,888 130,605,741 134,987,124 144,321,500 182,831,675 98,907,275
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