As per 3rd of May 2023

  36   Rs. 1,120.25   Rs. 40,329.00

Sorry... No Historical data available for the current year at the moment..

View Past  
Assert 2017-12-31 2016-12-31 2015-12-31 2014-12-31
Current Assets
Short Term Investment - - - -
Accounts Receivable 3,965,789,000 2,729,585,000 2,107,037,000 1,816,426,000
Inventories 2,869,614,000 3,935,497,000 3,322,433,000 2,952,545,000
Amounts Due from related parties 761,444,000 247,957,000 203,975,000 304,641,000
Cash In Hand and at Bank 128,678,000 393,328,000 867,563,000 282,517,000
Other Current Asset - - - -
Deposits , advances & prepayments - - - -
Income Tax Receivable - - - -
Total Current Assets 7,725,525,000 7,306,367,000 6,501,008,000 5,356,129,000
Long Term Assets
Property, Plant & Equipment 5,309,182,000 5,524,652,000 5,477,442,000 5,208,556,000
Intangible Asset - - - -
Investment In Subsidiary - - - -
Long Term Financial Asset - - - -
Other Long Term Asset 2,485,503,000 455,619,000 143,597,000 -
Investments in fixed deposits - - - 206,381,000
Rentals Paid in Advance - - - -
Investment property - - - -
Deferred tax assets - - - -
Investments in associates and Joint ventures - - - -
Total Long Term Asset 7,794,685,000 5,980,271,000 5,621,039,000 5,414,937,000
Total Asset 15,520,210,000 13,286,638,000 12,122,047,000 10,771,066,000
Current Liablities
Trade and other payable 4,770,211,000 4,368,214,000 4,137,446,000 3,764,773,000
Amount due to related Parties 1,220,045,000 899,085,000 713,686,000 748,650,000
Income Tax Liabilities 719,342,000 805,881,000 942,057,000 705,691,000
Current Portion of borrowing - - - -
Other Current Liabilities 167,932,000 151,061,000 137,220,000 102,956,000
Bank Overdrafts 2,536,287,000 312,767,000 448,310,000 205,356,000
Deffered service income - - - -
Short term borrowings - - - -
Total Current Liabilities 9,413,817,000 6,537,008,000 6,378,719,000 5,527,426,000
Long Term Liabilities
Borrowing - - - -
Deffered Tax Liabilities 839,404,000 802,306,000 699,452,000 640,972,000
Interest Bearing Borrowings - - - -
Employee Benefit Liabilities 454,190,000 464,750,000 522,240,000 514,740,000
Long Term Liability - - - -
Revenue grant - - - -
Insurance contract liabilities - - - -
Other deferred liabilities - - - -
Total Long Term Liability 1,293,594,000 1,267,056,000 1,221,692,000 1,155,712,000
Total Liability 10,707,411,000 7,804,064,000 7,600,411,000 6,683,138,000
Stock Holders Equity
Stated Capital 537,255,000 537,255,000 537,255,000 537,255,000
Revenue Reserves - - 3,984,381,000 -
Other Components of Equity - - - -
Retained earnings 4,275,544,000 4,945,319,000 - 3,550,673,000
Shares in Trust - - - -
Hedging reserve - - - -
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent 4,812,799,000 5,482,574,000 4,521,636,000 4,087,928,000
Non-Controlling Interests - - - -
Total Stock Holder Equity 4,812,799,000 5,482,574,000 4,521,636,000 4,087,928,000
Total Liability and Equity 15,520,210,000 13,286,638,000 12,122,047,000 10,771,066,000
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Assert 2017-12-31 2017-09-30 2017-06-30 2017-03-31 2016-12-31 2016-09-30 2016-06-30 2016-03-31 2015-12-31 2015-09-30
Current Assets
Short Term Investment - - - - - - - - - -
Accounts Receivable 3,965,789,000 4,062,787,000 3,650,409,000 3,374,846,000 2,729,585,000 2,747,935,000 2,642,355,000 2,509,723,000 2,107,037,000 2,413,292,000
Inventories 2,869,614,000 2,742,125,000 3,266,690,000 3,346,406,000 3,935,497,000 3,615,334,000 2,979,788,000 3,280,779,000 3,322,433,000 2,929,838,000
Amounts Due from related parties 761,444,000 398,571,000 340,715,000 341,385,000 247,957,000 202,431,000 314,823,000 327,871,000 203,975,000 217,741,000
Cash In Hand and at Bank 128,678,000 64,380,000 49,605,000 158,931,000 393,328,000 79,485,000 137,785,000 395,629,000 867,563,000 274,321,000
Other Current Asset - - - - - - - - - -
Deposits , advances & prepayments - - - - - - - - - -
Income Tax Receivable - - - - - - - - - -
Total Current Assets 7,725,525,000 7,267,863,000 7,307,419,000 7,221,568,000 7,306,367,000 6,645,185,000 6,074,751,000 6,514,002,000 6,501,008,000 5,835,192,000
Long Term Assets
Property, Plant & Equipment 5,309,182,000 5,267,212,000 5,384,823,000 5,510,329,000 5,524,652,000 5,172,152,000 5,263,918,000 5,338,647,000 5,477,442,000 5,011,131,000
Intangible Asset 2,485,503,000 1,264,565,000 549,177,000 482,554,000 - - - - - -
Investment In Subsidiary - - - - - - - - - -
Long Term Financial Asset - - - - - - - - - -
Other Long Term Asset - - - - 455,619,000 503,307,000 163,227,000 168,608,000 143,597,000 329,167,000
Investments in fixed deposits - - - - - - - - - -
Rentals Paid in Advance - - - - - - - - - -
Investment property - - - - - - - - - -
Deferred tax assets - - - - - - - - - -
Investments in associates and Joint ventures - - - - - - - - - -
Total Long Term Asset 7,794,685,000 6,531,777,000 5,934,000,000 5,992,883,000 5,980,271,000 5,675,459,000 5,427,145,000 5,507,255,000 5,621,039,000 5,340,298,000
Total Asset 15,520,210,000 13,799,640,000 13,241,419,000 13,214,451,000 13,286,638,000 12,320,644,000 11,501,896,000 12,021,257,000 12,122,047,000 11,175,490,000
Current Liablities
Trade and other payable 4,770,211,000 4,124,492,000 3,801,631,000 4,003,334,000 4,368,214,000 3,884,315,000 3,727,198,000 4,287,113,000 4,137,446,000 3,396,665,000
Amount due to related Parties 1,220,045,000 955,332,000 1,002,997,000 944,208,000 899,085,000 759,379,000 911,271,000 776,863,000 713,686,000 708,249,000
Income Tax Liabilities - 723,346,000 660,832,000 731,392,000 805,881,000 905,404,000 1,161,314,000 1,073,059,000 942,057,000 1,022,996,000
Current Portion of borrowing 719,342,000 - - - - - - - - -
Other Current Liabilities 167,932,000 158,323,000 150,164,000 150,678,000 151,061,000 134,411,000 135,856,000 136,562,000 137,220,000 131,235,000
Bank Overdrafts 2,536,287,000 2,978,557,000 3,598,715,000 1,880,298,000 312,767,000 864,472,000 833,829,000 654,351,000 448,310,000 285,918,000
Deffered service income - - - - - - - - - -
Short term borrowings - - - - - - - - - -
Total Current Liabilities 9,413,817,000 8,940,050,000 9,214,339,000 7,709,910,000 6,537,008,000 6,547,981,000 6,769,468,000 6,927,948,000 6,378,719,000 5,545,063,000
Long Term Liabilities
Borrowing - - - - - - - - - -
Deffered Tax Liabilities 839,404,000 804,981,000 848,798,000 837,041,000 802,306,000 747,586,000 747,112,000 719,221,000 699,452,000 644,340,000
Interest Bearing Borrowings - - - - - - - - - -
Employee Benefit Liabilities 454,190,000 414,406,000 352,452,000 471,963,000 464,750,000 430,079,000 463,403,000 430,588,000 522,240,000 449,870,000
Long Term Liability - - - - - - - - - -
Revenue grant - - - - - - - - - -
Insurance contract liabilities - - - - - - - - - -
Other deferred liabilities - - - - - - - - - -
Total Long Term Liability 1,293,594,000 1,219,387,000 1,201,250,000 1,309,004,000 1,267,056,000 1,177,665,000 1,210,515,000 1,149,809,000 1,221,692,000 1,094,210,000
Total Liability 10,707,411,000 10,159,437,000 10,415,589,000 9,018,914,000 7,804,064,000 7,725,646,000 7,979,983,000 8,077,757,000 7,600,411,000 6,639,273,000
Stock Holders Equity
Stated Capital 537,255,000 537,255,000 537,255,000 537,255,000 537,255,000 537,255,000 537,255,000 537,255,000 537,255,000 537,255,000
Revenue Reserves - - - - - - - - 3,984,381,000 3,998,961,000
Other Components of Equity - - - - - - - - - -
Retained earnings 4,275,544,000 3,102,948,000 2,288,575,000 3,658,282,000 4,945,319,000 4,057,743,000 2,984,658,000 3,406,245,000 - -
Shares in Trust - - - - - - - - - -
Hedging reserve - - - - - - - - - -
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent 4,812,799,000 3,640,203,000 2,825,830,000 4,195,537,000 5,482,574,000 4,594,998,000 3,521,913,000 3,943,500,000 4,521,636,000 4,536,216,000
Non-Controlling Interests - - - - - - - - - -
Total Stock Holder Equity 4,812,799,000 3,640,203,000 2,825,830,000 4,195,537,000 5,482,574,000 4,594,998,000 3,521,913,000 3,943,500,000 4,521,636,000 4,536,216,000
Total Liability and Equity 15,520,210,000 13,799,640,000 13,241,419,000 13,214,451,000 13,286,638,000 12,320,644,000 11,501,896,000 12,021,257,000 12,122,047,000 11,175,489,000
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Assert 2017-12-31 2016-12-31 2015-12-31 2014-12-31
Cash Flow From Operating Activities
Net Income 5,859,932,000 6,626,984 6,243,478,000 5,612,331,000
Inventories 872,847,000 -764,367 -462,235,000 -500,474,000
Trade and other receivable -1,248,808,000 -678,440 -197,472,000 196,415,000
Amounts Due from related Parties -513,487,000 - - -
Other Current Assets - - - -
Other Long Term Financial Asset - - - -
Other Long Term Asset - - - -
Trade and other Payable 401,997,000 414,171 309,746,000 737,618,000
Amounts Due to related Parties 320,960,000 - - -
Other Current Liabilities - - - -
Finance Income Received - - - -
Finance Expense Paid -225,311,000 -43,732 -30,594,000 -25,464,000
Tax Refund/Paid -1,145,957,000 -1,357,316 -1,638,353,000 -692,469,000
Non Cash Operating System /Gratuity Paid -121,490,000 -124,730 -114,670,000 -181,210,000
Other Long Term Financial liabilities - - - -
Other Long Term Liabilities - - - -
Deferred liabilities - - - -
Net cash Flow From Operating Activities 4,200,683,000 4,072,570 4,109,900,000 5,146,747,000
Cash Flow From Investing
Capital expenditure -2,413,944,000 -1,007,879 -812,982,000 -1,166,118,000
Intangible Asset 4,461,000 - - -
Sale of Assets 1,796,000 38,173 35,457,000 49,424,000
Long Term Financial Asset - 9,896 10,941,000 16,182,000
Net cash Flow from Investing Activities -2,407,687,000 -959,810 -766,584,000 -1,100,512,000
Cash Flow From Financing Activities
Dividend Paid -4,281,166,000 -3,451,452 -3,001,224,000 -3,852,993,000
Net Borrowing - - - -
Transaction cost on Subsidiary Share Issue - - - -
Proceeds from Non-Controlling Interests - - - -
Net Cash Flow From Financing Activities -4,281,166,000 -3,451,452 -3,001,224,000 -3,852,993,000
Net Change
Net Cash Begin Balance/ Reserved for future use 80,561,000 419,253 77,161,000 -116,081,000
Net Cash End Balance/ Reserved for future use -2,407,609,000 80,561 419,253,000 77,161,000
Exchange Rate Change - - - -
Net Change in Cash -2,488,170,000 -338,692 342,092,000 193,242,000
Favorable Balances
Short Term Investment - - - -
Cash in Hand and At Bank 128,678,000 393,328 867,563,000 282,517,000
Total Cash and Cash Equivalents -2,407,609,000 80,561 419,253,000 77,161,000
Unfavorable Balance
Bank Overdrafts -2,536,287,000 -312,767 -448,310,000 -205,356,000
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Assert 2017-12-31 2017-09-30 2017-06-30 2017-03-31 2016-12-31 2016-09-30 2016-06-30 2016-03-31 2015-12-31 2015-09-30
Cash Flow From Operating Activities
Net Income 5,880,270,000 4,042,178,000 2,662,020,000 1,374,941,000 6,626,984,000 5,251,529,000 3,617,423,000 1,845,314,000 6,243,478,000 5,200,231,000
Inventories 883,799,000 1,090,064,000 612,286,000 538,450,000 -764,367,000 -372,567,000 295,007,000 21,733,000 -462,235,000 -85,448,000
Trade and other receivable -1,781,783,000 -1,513,545,000 -1,034,353,000 -753,640,000 -678,440,000 -664,199,000 -666,648,000 -544,245,000 -197,472,000 -522,407,000
Amounts Due from related Parties - - - - - -207,810,000 - - - -
Other Current Assets - - - - - - - - - -
Other Long Term Financial Asset - - - - - - - - - -
Other Long Term Asset - - - - - - - - - -
Trade and other Payable 711,983,000 -202,279,000 -477,476,000 -319,757,000 414,171,000 - -213,035,000 212,844,000 309,746,000 -408,508,000
Amounts Due to related Parties - - - - - - - - - -
Other Current Liabilities - - - - - - - - - -
Finance Income Received - - - - - - - - - -
Finance Expense Paid -173,720,000 -129,320,000 -61,241,000 -12,068,000 -43,732,000 -32,559,000 -19,119,000 -4,295,000 -30,594,000 -28,802,000
Tax Refund/Paid -1,145,935,000 -827,202,000 -599,135,000 -293,845,000 -1,357,316,000 -1,046,372,000 -468,160,000 -229,510,000 -1,638,353,000 -750,465,000
Non Cash Operating System /Gratuity Paid -121,490,000 -127,427,000 -163,628,000 -18,453,000 -124,730,000 -171,204,000 -111,532,000 -117,999,000 -114,670,000 -139,037,000
Other Long Term Financial liabilities - - - - - - - - - -
Other Long Term Liabilities - - - - - - - - - -
Deferred liabilities - - - - - - - - - -
Net cash Flow From Operating Activities 4,253,124,000 2,332,469,000 938,473,000 515,628,000 4,072,570,000 2,756,818,000 2,433,936,000 1,183,842,000 4,109,900,000 3,265,564,000
Cash Flow From Investing
Capital expenditure -2,466,385,000 -1,041,428,000 -272,541,000 -171,251,000 -1,007,879,000 -544,105,000 -133,636,000 -44,713,000 -812,982,000 -379,521,000
Intangible Asset - - 1,969,000 2,118,000 - - - - - -
Sale of Assets 4,461,000 3,552,000 1,361,000 978,000 38,173,000 41,321,000 41,239,000 27,959,000 35,457,000 26,845,000
Long Term Financial Asset 1,796,000 1,443,000 - - 9,896,000 9,828,000 9,821,000 9,124,000 10,941,000 5,564,000
Net cash Flow from Investing Activities -2,460,128,000 -1,036,433,000 -269,211,000 -168,155,000 -959,810,000 -492,956,000 -82,576,000 -7,630,000 -766,584,000 -347,112,000
Cash Flow From Financing Activities
Dividend Paid -4,281,166,000 -4,290,775,000 -4,298,934,000 -2,149,402,000 -3,451,452,000 -3,468,102,000 3,466,657,000 1,854,187,000 -3,001,224,000 -3,007,209,000
Net Borrowing - - - - - - - - - -
Transaction cost on Subsidiary Share Issue - - - - - - - - - -
Proceeds from Non-Controlling Interests - - - - - - - - - -
Net Cash Flow From Financing Activities -4,281,166,000 -4,290,775,000 -4,298,934,000 -2,149,402,000 -3,451,452,000 -3,468,102,000 3,466,657,000 1,854,187,000 -3,001,224,000 -3,007,209,000
Net Change
Net Cash Begin Balance/ Reserved for future use 80,561,000 80,562,000 80,562,000 80,562,000 419,253,000 419,253,000 419,253,000 419,253,000 77,161,000 77,161,000
Net Cash End Balance/ Reserved for future use -2,407,609,000 -2,914,177,000 -3,549,110,000 -1,721,367,000 80,561,000 -784,987,000 1,115,297,000 -258,722,000 419,253,000 88,758,000
Exchange Rate Change - - - - - - - - - -
Net Change in Cash -2,488,170,000 -2,994,739,000 -3,629,672,000 -1,801,929,000 -338,692,000 -1,204,240,000 696,044,000 -677,975,000 342,092,000 11,597,000
Favorable Balances
Short Term Investment - - - - - - - - - -
Cash in Hand and At Bank 128,678,000 64,380,000 49,605,000 158,931,000 393,328,000 79,485,000 137,785,000 395,629,000 867,563,000 274,321,000
Total Cash and Cash Equivalents -2,407,609,000 -2,914,177,000 -3,549,110,000 -1,721,367,000 80,561,000 -784,987,000 -696,044,000 -258,722,000 419,253,000 -11,597,000
Unfavorable Balance
Bank Overdrafts -2,536,287,000 -2,978,557,000 -3,598,715,000 -1,880,298,000 -312,767,000 -864,472,000 -833,829,000 -654,351,000 -448,310,000 -285,918,000
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Assert 2017-12-31 2016-12-31 2015-12-31 2014-12-31
Revenue & Gross Profit
Total Revenue 37,601,472,000 36,461,695,000 35,854,802,000 32,902,885,000
Cost of Sales -24,268,906,000 -22,274,610,000 -21,380,568,000 -20,767,394,000
Gross Profit 13,332,566,000 14,187,085,000 14,474,234,000 12,135,491,000
Operating Expenses
Distribution Expenses -6,062,770,000 -6,263,268,000 -6,918,332,000 -5,502,378,000
Administrative Expenses -2,348,592,000 -2,188,120,000 -2,124,675,000 -1,966,435,000
Other Operating Expenses -45,336,000 -12,982,000 - -
Voluntary retirement scheme expense - - - -
Total Operating Expenses 4,875,868,000 5,722,715,000 5,431,227,000 4,666,678,000
Operating Income
Other Operating Income - - -13,454,000 92,415,000
Total Operating Activities 4,875,868,000 5,722,715,000 5,417,773,000 4,759,093,000
Finance (Cost)/Income
Finance Cost -173,720,000 -43,732,000 -30,594,000 -26,722,000
Finance Income 30,900,000 33,095,000 38,328,000 33,426,000
Change in insurance contract liabilities - - - -
Share of results of equity accounted investments - - - -
Change in fair value of investment property - - - -
Net Finance (Cost)/ Income -142,820,000 -10,637,000 7,734,000 6,704,000
Profit /Loss Before Tax
Profit /Loss Before Tax 4,733,048,000 5,712,078,000 5,425,507,000 4,765,797,000
Taxes -1,098,831,000 -1,313,316,000 -1,301,183,000 -978,904,000
Net Income From Continuing Operation 3,634,217,000 4,398,762,000 4,124,324,000 3,786,893,000
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Assert 2017-12-31 2017-09-30 2017-06-30 2017-03-31 2016-12-31 2016-09-30 2016-06-30 2016-03-31 2015-12-31 2015-09-30
Revenue & Gross Profit
Total Revenue 37,601,472,000 27,624,093,000 17,987,095,000 9,387,912,000 36,461,695,000 27,827,117,000 18,996,661,000 9,760,390,000 35,854,802,000 27,090,736,000
Cost of Sales -24,268,906,000 -17,955,362,000 -11,599,188,000 -6,019,263,000 -22,274,610,000 -16,987,339,000 -11,706,284,000 -5,977,059,000 -21,380,568,000 -16,268,325,000
Gross Profit 13,332,566,000 9,668,731,000 6,387,907,000 3,368,649,000 14,187,085,000 10,839,778,000 7,290,377,000 3,783,331,000 14,474,234,000 10,822,411,000
Operating Expenses
Distribution Expenses -45,336,000 -4,585,872,000 -3,032,107,000 -1,678,450,000 -6,263,268,000 -4,631,845,000 -3,022,916,000 -1,600,863,000 -6,918,332,000 -4,730,921,000
Administrative Expenses -6,062,770,000 -1,728,419,000 -1,138,883,000 -554,266,000 -2,188,120,000 -1,601,546,000 -1,074,937,000 -526,739,000 -2,124,675,000 -1,533,839,000
Other Operating Expenses -2,348,592,000 - - - -12,982,000 - - - - -
Voluntary retirement scheme expense - - - - - - - - - -
Total Operating Expenses 4,875,868,000 3,354,440,000 2,216,917,000 1,135,933,000 5,722,715,000 4,606,387,000 3,192,524,000 1,655,729,000 5,431,227,000 4,557,651,000
Operating Income
Other Operating Income - -46,625,000 -31,774,000 -17,984,000 - -3,759,000 4,834,000 -10,744,000 -13,454,000 -48,000
Total Operating Activities 4,875,868,000 3,307,815,000 2,185,143,000 1,117,949,000 5,722,715,000 4,602,628,000 3,197,358,000 1,644,985,000 5,417,773,000 4,557,603,000
Finance (Cost)/Income
Finance Cost -173,720,000 -129,320,000 -61,241,000 -12,068,000 -43,732,000 -32,559,000 -19,119,000 -4,295,000 -30,594,000 -28,802,000
Finance Income 30,900,000 24,545,000 17,967,000 10,197,000 33,095,000 26,440,000 22,408,000 17,983,000 38,328,000 26,115,000
Change in insurance contract liabilities - - - - - - - - - -
Share of results of equity accounted investments - - - - - - - - - -
Change in fair value of investment property - - - - - - - - - -
Net Finance (Cost)/ Income -142,820,000 -104,775,000 -43,274,000 -1,871,000 -10,637,000 -6,119,000 3,289,000 13,688,000 7,734,000 -2,687,000
Profit /Loss Before Tax
Profit /Loss Before Tax 4,733,048,000 3,203,040,000 2,141,869,000 1,116,078,000 5,712,078,000 4,596,509,000 3,200,647,000 1,655,673,000 5,425,507,000 4,554,916,000
Taxes -1,098,831,000 -747,339,000 -500,575,000 -254,096,000 -1,313,316,000 -1,057,855,000 -735,078,000 -380,281,000 -1,301,183,000 -1,071,739,000
Net Income From Continuing Operation 3,634,217,000 2,455,701,000 1,641,294,000 861,982,000 4,398,762,000 3,538,654,000 2,465,569,000 1,275,392,000 4,124,324,000 3,483,177,000
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Date Dividend Dividend Year EX Dividend Date Announce Date Shareholder Approval AGM Date Payment Date
2018-04-04 (q4) 25 2017 2018-05-09 2018-04-04 required 2018-05-08 2018-05-17
2018-03-06 (q4) 25 2017 2018-05-08 2018-02-22 required 2018-05-07 2018-05-16
2018-02-22 (q4) 25 2017 2018-05-07 2018-02-22 required 2018-05-04 2018-05-15
2017-02-21 (q3) 40 2016 2017-03-03 - not_required - 2017-03-14
2017-02-21 (q4) 40 2016 2017-05-08 - required 2017-05-05 2017-05-18
2016-02-23 (q3) 34.5 2015 2016-03-03 2016-02-23 Unknown - 2016-03-15
2016-02-23 (q4) 30 2015 2016-05-06 - required 2016-05-05 2016-05-16
2015-02-19 (q2) 28.5 2014 2015-02-03 2015-02-19 Unknown - 2015-03-12
2015-02-19 (q4) 28 2014 2015-05-13 - required 2015-05-12 2015-05-21
2015-02-19 (annual) 28.5 2014 2015-03-02 2015-02-19 Unknown - 2015-03-12
2014-11-12 (q3) 12 2014 2014-11-21 2014-11-12 Unknown - 2014-12-02
2014-02-25 (q3) 32 2013 2014-03-07 - Unknown - 2014-03-18
2014-02-25 (q4) 28 2013 2014-05-23 - required 2014-05-22 2014-06-02
2013-04-24 (q4) 24 2012 2013-05-31 - required 2013-05-30 2013-06-10
2013-02-28 (q3) 30 2012 2013-03-11 2013-02-28 Unknown - 2013-03-20
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Sorry... No data available at the moment..